Thursday 16 February 2012

Eat What You Want and Still Lose Fat!

I ate a huge feast on the weekend. It was filled with Dips, wine, chocolates,
TGIF bacon cheeseburger. But it all tasted amazing. I then topped it all off
with an ice-cream. And I’m still losing fat!

My day wasn't a problem for two important reasons:

1. I completed 2 days of fasting throughout the week

2. I have trained my butt of in the gym, pushing hard with heavy weights all
week and have been very strict with my calories every other day.

Now a lot of you probably haven’t even heard of Fasting for Fat loss, or have
your 6 meals a day because  "that’s what you're meant to do" or can’t go an
hour without eating without thinking you will lose muscle mass.

But it just makes sense doesn’t it?

Eat less and you will lose more... Why complicate it?

I have gotten fantastic results from it, my clients are getting fantastic
results from it and I haven’t heard one complaint of muscle mass loss the
entire time.

In fact you will find you will have a lot more energy on days you train on an
empty stomach compared to the days you are training on a full stomach. If you
don’t believe me try it out.

You get a great bunch of benefits from fasting as little at 16 hours up to 24
hours. Not only will you be burning more fat but the effect it has on HGH is
great. I don’t know of any other way (besides supplements that aren’t proven to
work) to increase this fantastic hormone for helping you burn fat.

"Fasting triggers the “growth hormone response” and this response is what
prevents you from
losing muscle while you fast36,37. And, since your muscle is largely
responsible for your
metabolism, growth hormone also plays a large part in keeping your metabolism
elevated while
you are fasting.38
Not only does growth hormone prevent you from losing muscle while you fast, but
it is also vitally
important in the process of releasing your stored fat so it can be burnt for
energy. This growth
hormone response to fasting is so important that some researchers have actually
argued that in
the yin and yang of fed and fasted"
Direct quote from Eat stop eat by Brad pilon page 52

Fat loss simply comes down to calories in vs. calories out. Eat what you like
as long as it is under your maintenance level of calories (which is very
specific to you) and you will always succeed at Fat loss.

And what’s an easier way to take out a huge chunk of calories out of your day
than but just simply... taking a break from eating?

I highly recommend the book Eat Sop Eat by Brad Pilon he is an expert in this
field and recommend you gets it today. It will change your life forever!

Monday 6 February 2012

FREE workout finisher to incinerate fat!

I received an e-mail from a client the other day with a question reguarding intensity.

Basically this client mentioned that during her workouts she was doing the reps and sets that were allocated which is great, but she also mentioned that she wasn't getting the level of intensity she was after.

Now sometimes you have to step it up a notch to really get your heart pounding.

Here i have written you a FREE Metabolic Boosting finisher you can add onto the end of any workout if you feel like you aren’t quite getting that burn your after it.

All exercises are done back to back and you need to complete as many round as possible in 10 minutes

1) Jump Squats – 15 reps
2) Mountain Climbers - 20 reps per side
3) Jump Lunges – 15 reps per side
4) Burpees - 10 reps

Now You try it and take it for a test drive. I haven’t had anyone complain about it yet… Except that it hurts for a few days after! Lol

Burn that fat and boost your fat burning capabilities for up to 38 hours after this finisher.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Free Bodyweight Fat Burning Workout!

Having a gym membership is great but what about those days or times when you just cant make it in? its no excuse for not reaching your goals. You really don't need access to any fancy cardio machines, vibration plates or lots of heavy weights to burn fat. You can get the body you desire in the comfort on your own home aswell.
Now you know this, there's no excuse for missing a workout. Here is a workout that you can use in conjunction with your current training program. Perform Workouts on non weight training days to help boost you metabalism untill your next session. Each session should only last around 15-30 minutes, so even if you're busy, you can still get your training done.

Perform 4-5 rounds with a 10 second rest between exercises and a 1/30 rest between circuts.
-          Body weight Squats - 50 seconds
-          Wide Grip Pushups (outside shoulder width)
-          Jump Lunges - 50 seconds
-          Lying Hip Extension - 50 seconds
-          Plank - Until Failure 

Home Workout Guidelines

Just as gyms have rules, you need to set yourself some guidelines when working out at home.

-          Don't turn the TV on while you're training, it'll only distract you try to train outside in the sun.
-          Unless you're actually meant to be training with someone, make sure there's no one else in the room when               you're working out. it won't help your concentration.
-          Wear comfortable workout clothes.
-          Put a mat/towel down so that you don't scratch or sweat on the flooring, and so your back is protected when doing floor work. it will also protect your knees and hands.
-          Work just as hard as you would in the gym.
-          Make sure you always warmup, No matter what. 
-          Use proper exercise form and train conservatively in all workouts.

And the number one rule - enjoy yourself.

Top 5 Exercises to create and Powerful Lean Body

Top 5 Exercises to create and Powerful Lean Body

Best Exercises. My choice of the 10 best lifts to gain muscle mass while building strength and burning fat are right here!


They are also called the basics for a very goos reason. They work!

Stick to the Basics its best advice for for anyone new and old, always incorporate these foundational exercises into your programs.

Doing a bazillion different exercises can only hurt your progress because you would have to spread your focus too much. For now stay away from the tricep extension and the dumbell curls and get the most out of your limited time in the gym.

This is the utimate way to burn the fat and build huge amounts of lean muscle all at the same time. Compound and functional exercises will get you better results in a shorter amount of time.